Sunday, October 6, 2013

Project renovation - survival guide!

survival guide

Is this our home??? 
Look around! Renovation is a big mess. Full stop. 
There is no other way to describe what is happening right now!
 Tearing out old wallpapers, changing tiles, new floors is very dirty, noisy and tiring but we are continuing, and what's more important surviving it! 

Today I would like to share with you, our survival guide and what we have learned during the last 4 weeks of the big mess!

1. Plan your everyday life ahead
It is VERY important that during the major renovation period you have a safe place where you can rest, eat and have a shower. The best solution is to stay with your relatives, friends or rent a room in a hotel nearby. The closer you are to your home the better, as you will need to be there constantly to monitor the process and make the decisions. We are very lucky to be able to stay with our family, however the distance is quite big so sometimes I find myself wishing I could teleport....!

remodeling guide

2. Be clear with contractors
Respect and expect.
  During the last 4 weeks of renovation I have learned that as soon as you meet your remodeling workers, you have to be very clear about your project. Remember - you are the one that makes the decisions, not them so have your plan ready. They will always have their way to do the job and that, doesn't necessarily mean, the best or the most budget-friendly in terms of what you want to be done. 
If you are not sure about certain issue, ask questions. Don't be shy, you have right NOT to know so the more you ask the better. Ask for alternative ways, for different construction materials, different prices to find the right option for you. Contractors usually have agreements with certain hardware companies, which is why they will be suggesting their products (happened to me).
 Keep your eyes open and make sure you are buying the products because they are good and right for your project, not because contractors prefer that particular brand. Respect them and listen to them, they do have some golden tips! :)

remodeling tips

3. Renovation budget 
Before starting the renovation you need to plan your budget and get the detailed pricing from the contractors. Make sure that each point is clear for you and doesn't include additional costs. Once you are happy with the plan, try to stick to it as much as possible, because any project change will result in additional service charge. It will never work perfectly so be prepared to spend at least 10% more for unexpected jobs.Try to accept it, as there is always something out of plan.

guide to remodeling

4. Think about your pets
The process of home remodeling is stressful also for pets, so if you have animals living with you, you need to consider them. Think about their (safety!) and happiness. They can't protect themselves they way we do, so it's our job to look after them and be mindful. For example - if you are spending long hours in the renovation area, organize for them a safe place to rest.
6 important tips

4. Know what you want
It seems like after we chose the floors, the walls and the furniture we are all done and happy. Not exactly. Renovation means deciding about million of important and unimportant details. Make sure to plan room's lighting ahead because it is one of the first jobs to be done. Then think about the small details like sockets' positions, heating, all the installation, batteries and more. The job will be done by the workers but YOU need to know what you want and be prepared to answer their (sometimes unexpected) questions.

tips and tricks

5. Mind your neighbours
It's nice to inform your current or future neighbors about the possible noise and dust. If you don't know them yet, it might be a kind way to introduce yourself, possibly resulting in getting some help / advise during the process :)

tips and facts

6. Be strong and think positive 
 It always helps! Renovation will finish eventually and you will be satisfied with the final result. We are not there yet, but seems like the worst part is behind us. So I strongly believe that we can do it!!

Thanks for reading and come back for more renovation details.

Kisses !


  1. Looks like you are very busy! Looking forward to see the end of it :-))

    1. Me tooooo :))) hopefully in about 2-3 weeks

  2. All the best and hang in there! Sounds like you guys are going well :)

    1. Thank you so much! :) 3 more weeks and we should be able to move back in !
