Sunday, December 1, 2013

DIY Jasmine soap with Himalayan salt

pink soap, homemade soap-making

Hello my sweet friends! How was your weekend? Did you do anything special? I can't wait to share what I've been up to. Recently I've been experimenting in my little apothecary, I turned my kitchen into. Okay, I know it sounds scary but don't worry. At least not until I turn blue! Before I get to the point... let me tell you a quick story. I've been inspired to experiment! Not the first time, not the last time but for the first time by something coming from the p-a-s-t. Few weeks back I found out that my great, great (...great) grandfather used to own a real apothecary, many years ago. Naturally, I have digged into this a little and found an old book in my Dad's library, containing many secret remediesand homemade beauty care tutorials.W-O-W, right? Well, the bad news is that... it's written in latin.
I do have a true passion for reading books, especially those antique ones which are wonderful treasures to find, but in this case illustrations were enoughto get me in the making mood. Yes! That's right! I decided to make a soap.
handmade, homemade, diy, step-by-step

When I started looking for some written instructions it turned out that
 I didn't necessary need my new-old apothecary book to follow. 
The whole process seemed very easy. 
And fun. 
And quick.
 Worth trying, right?
So I found a local supplier with a wide range of ingredients
 and excitedly started planning my first, perfect soap. 
How soap-histicated!

essential oils, tutorial, handmade, pink soap

My choice: DIY soap with Himalayan salt:

 Ingredients (from your local store): 

1. Non-transparent, melt & pour soap base with glycerin
(Good moisturizing quality from a high glycerin content)

2. Pink Himalayan salt
(One of the purest, and prettiest salts on earth, straight form the Himalayas. Skin effects: soft, mineralized, detoxified)

3. Soap oil (sweet almond - 1 tbs / 100 g)
(Very easily absorbs into the skin to provide nourishment)

4. Vitamin E (1 tbs / 100 g)
(Powerful antioxidant with great anti-aging properties)

5. Jasmine fragrance (5-10 drops / 100 g)
(I love the smell of jasmine for it's enthusiastic aroma!)

6. Form for soap-making
(or any other wooden/glass/plastic/silicone small container)

non-transparent, glycerine soap cubes

1. Cut up the soap base into small cubes and place them in the pot. 
2. Stir over medium heat until the soap cubes melt.
3. Add all the other ingredients.
4. Pour the mixture into a form.
5. Wait 24 h for it to dry and enjoy your beautiful homemade soap!

how to make a soap, step by step

Ta daaa! And below you can see my homemade soap. 
TESTED already and I have to say, my experiment was very successful.
Have you ever made a soap? Would you like to try? What's your favorite soap scent?

melt and pour method

Have a great day!

Linking up to: 
Inspiration gallery


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Agnes! That means a lot coming from such a talented photographer like yourself :)

  2. Super pomysł. I jak zwykle ładne fotki. Ja walczę z fotkami "bright and airy";), na razie 0:1 dla fotek...

    1. Hej Ola, dzięki! Pogoda niestety nie sprzyja robieniu jasnych zdjęć... Od jakiegoś czasu poważnie zastanawiam sie nad kupnem jakiejś prostej, małej lampki studyjnej, żeby choć trochę rozjaśnić fotki. Co o tym sądzisz? Na pewno nie zastąpi światła dziennego ale może warto spróbować...?

  3. This is just so gorgeous and cute! Beautiful work. I love the colors in your photos. I've tried making a soap in the past but it didn't turn out half as pretty as yours. It could be a nice Christmas gift idea :)

    1. Ohhh you are so kind :) And I love the idea to make it a little Christmas gifts so thanks for your suggestion!
      Contact me via email, if you would like to receive one.
      Hugs x

  4. kurcze zgubiłam szczękę teraz :))))) przyszłam odpowiedzieć na miłe słowa i jestem w szoku !!!!!!kolejne cudne miejsce w sieci uważam za odkryte !!!!! SUPER!!!!!! so we'll be in touch !!!!!! :))) tak się na początku zastanawiałam też , którego języka mam używać :))))))))))) pozdrawiam gorąco !!

    1. Ojej jak miło :)))) Dzięki! Co do języka to oczywiście polskiego. Zaczęło się od inglisz, z racji koleżanki 'w temacie', nie mówiącej po polsku, ale już pracuję nad dwujęzyczną wersją ;)
      Zdecydowanie w in taczu! :D

  5. Oh my goodness, I love your blog! So many beautiful posts!

  6. I am not pretty sure if I am into soap making but I do know I like your photography and styling a lot in this article!

  7. Thank you so much for sharing your fantastic project on The Inspiration Board at homework. I featured you today! Have a great weekend.

    homework &

    1. Thanks for stopping by and letting me know! I'll be right there to see all your pretty features x

  8. Replies
    1. Dzięki za odwiedziny i przemiły komentarz :)

  9. This is a very cool idea! I love how the inspiration came from a grandfather being an apothecary.

  10. Wow. Such a unique idea for melt and pour soap---and the pictures are so beautiful. Thanks for sharing this idea. I've been playing around with essential oils and organic butters and oils, making skin products for family and friends. Making soap is going to be my next endeavor, and this is wonderful inspiration! Thank you! Glad I found your blog.

  11. Fantastyczny pomsył! I bardzo ładne presentacja! Muszę spróbować!

  12. You can get your soaps here below:

    I bought my soaps from here because of certified and they are very good.
