Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Shop love # 14 - Pastel concept store

pastel interiors

Hello everyone! How is your Christmas fever? I'm quite tied up between unpacking boxes after renovation to make a little bit of space for the holiday, decorating, cleaning, byuing presents, making presents, wrapping presents, decorating... What? Only one week til Christmas? Ok, I'll be quick! 
New concept store in the Netherlands is now open. I'm sure you remember the legendary Sukha Amsterdam store (I posted about it here) which I thought wouldn't have equal. Turns out there might be a little competition. Blend and Blender store located in Amersfoort, featuring handmade lightening designed by M.OSSdesign, attracts with it's unique range of products and pastel interiors. It's a true candy for the eyes. Have a look!
PS. Dear Santa... I need one of those lamps :) Thank you.

pastel lamps

concept store in Holland

pastel store


concept store Netherlands

See you soon with more pastel inspirations.

Picture source: Jelenieshop

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