Monday, January 6, 2014

Happy New Year + diy planner!

Happy New year everyone! 
How was your Holiday? Did you have a good time? It passed so quickly that I can't believe we are already in 2014! WOW! What a crazy adventure this past year has been!
I want to take this opportunity to thank you my sweet friends for all your support throughout the year, daily visits and lovely, motivating comments - without you this blog wouldn't exist! I wouldn't be doing what I love and have the amazing opportunities that have come my way. When I wrote my first blog post 10 months ago I had no idea what I was getting myself into. I love it and I can't imagine my life without Passion shake anymore! <Addict! :P> I would like to offer you better content and more inspirations and I really, really hope you will stay here along the way!  
What I love about the new year holiday is getting organized, making goals and plans for the new year...and then forgetting it all after few weeks! JUST KIDDING! :D Of course not! We should always try to stick to what we have planned because good organization and time management are the keys to success!

Now have a look at my handmade January planner and let me tell you about new things coming up on Passion shake in 2014! 
Are you ready? 

pretty handmade organizer


  • 2 New columns updated monthly:
    *Trend shake
          -Showing latest interior trends!
           -Pretty things picked with love for our homes
  •  Sponsor page with information for all of you interested to cooperate with us. 
  •  Exciting giveaways so stay tuned for a chance to win in 2014!  

pastel and neon organizer

blogs, artists, moodboard

Apart from the above, you can expect many more home decorating ideas including - home tours, DIY projects and interior photography + styling. If you have any other tips regarding the content - let me know. I appreciate all your opinions and would love to know what YOU are interested in!
Please don't be shy and drop me an email with your feedback. Thank you!

handmade organizer

....or we run the risk of doing nothing at all. So let's make this year count!
Shall we? :)
I got this lovely card from Holly Becker - thank you so much for such a great inspiration!

pastel and neon

Much love!!! 

Follow Passion shake on  Bloglovin Pinterest Facebook



  1. Jak dla mnie nic ująć ,nic dodać .....tylko wpadać po inspiracje !!!!! buziaki

    1. Dzięki za odwiedzinki w nowym roku i przemiłe słowa Aga! :) Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa mamy 2014! Buziaki

  2. Happy new year you.
    Thanks for you lovely post.

    1. Thanks for visiting Galina :) I'm happy you like it! Hugs x

  3. Szęćśliwego Nowego Roku! Wspaniałe pomysły tutaj!

  4. Happy New Year!
    I discovered your blog only 3 months ago and since then I have been a loyal follower..All your blog posts are so inspiring and beautifully created that I am actually considering to start my own blog this year. Thank you for sharing your amazing creations with us and I'm looking forward to see the new columns.
    Your calendar is cute! I always had a thing for pretty decorated planners.
    Love, Ida

  5. oprócz tego że profesjonalnie zaplanowane to jeszcze tak ładnie wygląda :)
    Uwielbiam takie projekty :)

  6. Great calligraphy! BTW, what type of pen is in the last picture?

    1. Thanks :) It's my favorite pen - Herlitz 'my.pen' (pink/white)
