Monday, June 2, 2014

DIY Watercolor flower

paper flower

Hello guys and happy June! Since it's almost summer I thought I would share with you my summery project I made for Craft Cafe column at Hearthandmade UK - how to make watercolor, crepe flowers for your gifts. I love beautifully wrapped presents and I find pleasure in both giving and receiving something that's wrapped with love, don't you? The good thing about making paper crepe flower is that it adds plenty of personal touch and color to your package and it will last a lifetime! So let me show you how to make it:  

Follow these easy steps to make your watercolor flower gift wrap.

Step1 Cut crepe paper into round, flower shapes to create petals. Make some of them bigger.

Step2 Leave one of the petals aside and divide the rest into three groups.

Step3 Paint each of the petal groups with different color - one pink,  one yellow and one orange making some of the petals more saturated than others.
Step4 When they are still wet from the paint, wrap them around foam ball (or any other round object) and wait until they are dry.

full tutorial, gift wrapping

Step5 Gently remove your petals from the foam ball. Can you see what happened to the shape?
Step6 Place them on top of each other from darker to lighter tones, forming a flower.

tutorial step by step

Step7 Make a whole in the middle of the flower with a pencil.
Step8 Twist the crepe piece that you have left aside at the beginning and put through the whole.

zrób to sam, tutorial

Step9 Tie the ribbon around the back part of the crepe piece in a knot. Cut the crepe shorter if it’s too long.
Step10 Once the flower is secured with a ribbon, wrap the ribbon around  your package and enjoy your nicely wrapped gift!

crepe watercolour flower

That’s it! I hope you enjoyed following this tutorial.  You could also try painting your flowers different colors to decorate it your own way.
Are you thinking of making it? Do you know any other paper flower tutorials? 

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  1. Wygląda ekstra... zdecydowanie jest to pomysł wart naśladowania ;-)...byłam przekonana że to prawdziwy kwiat ;-). Buziaki dla Ciebie i dobrego dnia ;-)

    1. A jego plus jest taki, że nie więdnie :)) Dzięki Ola i zachęcam do zrobienia :) Bużka

  2. kochana to jest przepiękne !!!!!!!!!!! buziole :)

  3. Replies
    1. Dzięki Marysiu :* Odpisuję dopiero teraz bo jestem strasznie zabieganaaaaa! ;))

  4. Tak, widziałam już ten projekt :) Bardzo fajny pomysł i myślę, że wkrótce wykorzystam;) Miłego tygodnia!

    1. Bardzo chciałabym zobaczyć Twoją wersję, będziesz musiała się pochwalić :))) Dzięki i wzajemnie :*

  5. widziałam, widziałam :) pieknie to wyszło :) ah, jak pięknie

    1. Ah dziękuję, dziękuję i baaardzo mocno ściskam :*

  6. Aga this is sooo lovely! Love the soft flowers. I need to make one of these. Thanks for sharing :)

    1. Thank you Zakkiya... I would love to see your version! :)

  7. Widzę, że akwarelki wciągnęły Cię bez reszty:) cudowności:)

    1. Oj tak, wkrótce ściany zacznę malować haha :)) Dzięki Ola :*

  8. Hi Aga! We have had a great response with this project. Would you like me to email you banners, sharing buttons and logos for your images? I advise you watermark your images to stop people stealing without giving you proper credit. Let me know on the fb page for the craft cafe xo.

    1. Hello Claire! So happy to hear it! Sure, I will get them :) xo

  9. I love paper flowers and I love your choice of shades, it creates pretty petals

  10. I love paper flowers and I love your choice of shades, it creates pretty petals

    1. Thanks I'm slightly obsessed with pink & yellow color combination these days :) Happy to hear that you like it! Hugs x
