Sunday, February 9, 2014

Industrial trolley table

wod stick lamp, concrete candle holder, cross

If you like the look of lofts, converted factories or edgy, industrial chic, you will love this. The minute I came across this image, my eyes settled on the black trolley table and I knew I have to have it. In fact I wouldn't mind having all the items featured in this photo. The trolley, THE LAMP, the cross, the concrete handle holders, the wired basket, the glass vase, the wooden hand and the frame. It just all looks cool, doesn't it?

Which item catches your eye the most?

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Source:  Quip & co


  1. Lampa jest fantastyczna! Bardzo naturalna.

  2. wszystko razem i z osobna fajowe :))) ale muszę sobie zrobić ten świecznik !!!!!koniecznie !!!! buziaki

  3. Wszystko..uwielbiam... i betonowy świecznik i lampę i kosz i krzyż i wazon..mhhh...biorę wszystko!

  4. The whole thing is gorgeous. I love to mix a little industrial with traditional pieces. I would use this as a bar cart in my dining room.


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